You might be able to find coroplast at a local sign shop. The hardware stores around here also carry coroplast Yard Sale signs but I always get a bunch of campaign signs in the fall once the elections are over.
The snazzy jersey is an old wool Kucharik jersey that my friend Brian gave me.
Holy cow. Nice work. I once saw a guy in Toronto who had cut the tops off two huge (and semi rectangular) water containers and bolted them to his rack to use as paniers.
If you want to hear some bike commuting stories from Toronto, check out if you have a chance. Be well!! : )
These replace the Rubbermaid tote. As for size, I didn't want to make them too big. I based the size on what I need too carry. For extended trips I'll add a mattress pad and either a tent or a bivy on the top of the rack but most of my other gear will ride in the panniers. On-bike snack food rides in the Jandd frame bag.
drawing by the multi-talented Russ Roca. Send any Bike Questions to Kentsbike (at) Gmail (dot) com.
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That's some nice work and clever scrounging. I continue to lament the fact that, AFAICT, cloroplast just doesn't see much use in Southern Indiana.
Also, snazzy jersey. Where can I get one?
Hey Matthew,
You might be able to find coroplast at a local sign shop. The hardware stores around here also carry coroplast Yard Sale signs but I always get a bunch of campaign signs in the fall once the elections are over.
The snazzy jersey is an old wool Kucharik jersey that my friend Brian gave me.
Very nice out of the box thinking...
Very sleek!
Holy cow. Nice work. I once saw a guy in Toronto who had cut the tops off two huge (and semi rectangular) water containers and bolted them to his rack to use as paniers.
If you want to hear some bike commuting stories from Toronto, check out
if you have a chance. Be well!! : )
Another swell DIY project! Are you going to use these WITH your Rubbermaid Trunk, or will they replace it? Any reason you didn't make them longer?
Hi Jim,
These replace the Rubbermaid tote. As for size, I didn't want to make them too big. I based the size on what I need too carry. For extended trips I'll add a mattress pad and either a tent or a bivy on the top of the rack but most of my other gear will ride in the panniers. On-bike snack food rides in the Jandd frame bag.
I thought of making panniers like your's but decided to build the ones in this article.
I am very pleased with the way they turned out. Eash to build and very useful.
The link above should be
You are my hero! Nice work.
Hi Kent,
Did you think about trying to re-use the original lids? Or did they totally not fit once you had cut the containers at an angle?
Hey, nice! Fairly "elegant" looking. More refined than the William s Burroughs!
very cool innovative idea, Kent.
Thanks for sharing.
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