Just a spot to dump various bicycle related thoughts
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Back from VanIsle
I had a great ride up on Vancouver Island. 1200 kilometers in 83 hours 2 minutes (including some pretty decadent sleep breaks). Lots more pics and details once I get all the photos cropped and sorted and I take some time to get the whole story typed up.
drawing by the multi-talented Russ Roca. Send any Bike Questions to Kentsbike (at) Gmail (dot) com.
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Veery Coool....
Can't wait to see and read all about it!
Great job Kent! It looked like you had some good weather to boot.
All the best,
Pat Rodden
Glad to hear you had a great ride. Can't wait to see the ride report with pictures.
Congratulations Kent. Looking forward to the ride report.
For me a hi-light of the Vanisle 1200 was the opportunity to meet you. Great pictures (especially on a $9.95 camera).
Dean Zimmer(the guy on the bent)
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