Just a spot to dump various bicycle related thoughts
Sunday, September 02, 2007
No War For Chain Lube
For a while I've been thinking this would be a good slogan for a t-shirt. If I'm wrong, I'll be unique and special and the only one in the world wearing one of these. If I'm right, all my faithful blog readers and the folks who stumble onto this via Google or some other search engine will go to: http://www.cafepress.com/bikethere.166072696
You are definitely one of my biking heroes, you set a great example for me -- e.g., thanks to you and your blog, I drive less than ever before and use my bike often for commuting, errands. Further, I've happily turned may of my friends onto your blog, hoping they too drive less and bike more.
But, i don't agree with the message of this shirt.
Now, if we were at war with, say, Canada or Mexico, perhaps I'd buy the "we're in it for the oil" argument. Consider this:
For what it's worth, I accept the explanation (however simplistic) that we're there because our politicians are afraid that if we don't fight them "over there" we're going to see 9/11 repeated. History will tell, I suppose...
I don't see this message as definitely saying one thing or another about our current forces in Iraq. It is saying that we don't go to war over chain lube. But one of the great things about this country is that (so far at least) is that we can express our views and we can buy or not buy, wear or not wear shirts expressing those views. But no matter what your views are on the situation between us and the various countries of the middle east, the economics of oil have certainly been a factor in the developments in that part of the world and their relationships (good and bad) with the US.
Kent, I love your shirt, but it saddened me that it almost sounded like you had to "defend" it to someone who can't even post their name in a bit of a critique at what they "perceived" your philosophical intent was!
No need to tip toe my man... your point is subtle yet very powerful. If "anonymous" doesn't quite grock it; maybe they don't quite grock the whole enchilada. You were very kind in your soft answer to he/she/whoever anonymous is, but tomorrow and the next day, some young American boy (and other nationalities as well) are going to die, and I hate to say, but it isn't because they are saving the world from WMDs like our "politicians" claimed we started this war over.
Like you stated-- how great we can all express our views, but when you have the courage to put out a great message like that shirt, maybe some people should keep their anonymous comments to their self if they can't appreciate the point you are trying to make.
I know you are a big boy and don't need me or anyone else "sticking up for you" but that last poster pissed me off quite frankly with their naive leeway towards "our politicians" intentions and critiquing you because of a tee shirt!
I know your blog is about allot of positive things, but unfortunately this shirt is really "drawing a line in the sand" and I am declaring I am standing on your side of the line on this one and others of course can disagree (in anonymity) or otherwise but this debate will not go away until enough people say, "we are mad as hell, and we are not going to take it anymore".
Enough typing, I will put my money were my mouth is and go buy a shirt now! I encourage all others who know what Kent is saying (and agree) to do the same.
Hey that is a Cool Shirt! Found it through a link from drunkcyclist.com and it looks like ernesto the eco-biker dude has just developed something like that (he just emailed me and wants me to try his eco-lube!)
I followed the link from Drunk Cyclist as well. Cool design. Any thoughts of putting it on any other color of shirt(s)? I like your other hi-vis colors in your store, I'd even wear baby blue if that's what it came in, but white tees just look like crap in no time under my (not so) tender care.
If you're a liberal, then you're border like socialist cause you're comment about anoynmous keeping his mouth shut goes against everything that we are about. That's the great thing about this country, we can say whatever we want, and yes sometime we have to put up with stupid people... That's the price we pay for freedom. So go ahead and post your heart away... You're allowed this freedom as long as you are sleeping under the blanket of our military. Have a good day, and don't be so angry to others. Kent, the shirt is funny, and I'll buy one. I do wish you had made it a singlespeed as well, I don't want to even have gears on my shirt, but I'll make an exception.
drawing by the multi-talented Russ Roca. Send any Bike Questions to Kentsbike (at) Gmail (dot) com.
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Should work on a special promotion with Pedro's for their Chainj lube.
You're not wrong. I'll wear mine proudly.
You are definitely one of my biking heroes, you set a great example for me -- e.g., thanks to you and your blog, I drive less than ever before and use my bike often for commuting, errands. Further, I've happily turned may of my friends onto your blog, hoping they too drive less and bike more.
But, i don't agree with the message of this shirt.
Now, if we were at war with, say, Canada or Mexico, perhaps I'd buy the "we're in it for the oil" argument. Consider this:
For what it's worth, I accept the explanation (however simplistic) that we're there because our politicians are afraid that if we don't fight them "over there" we're going to see 9/11 repeated. History will tell, I suppose...
Until then, I'll keep reading and keep riding. :)
I don't see this message as definitely saying one thing or another about our current forces in Iraq. It is saying that we don't go to war over chain lube. But one of the great things about this country is that (so far at least) is that we can express our views and we can buy or not buy, wear or not wear shirts expressing those views. But no matter what your views are on the situation between us and the various countries of the middle east, the economics of oil have certainly been a factor in the developments in that part of the world and their relationships (good and bad) with the US.
Kent, I love your shirt, but it saddened me that it almost sounded like you had to "defend" it to someone who can't even post their name in a bit of a critique at what they "perceived" your philosophical intent was!
No need to tip toe my man... your point is subtle yet very powerful. If "anonymous" doesn't quite grock it; maybe they don't quite grock the whole enchilada. You were very kind in your soft answer to he/she/whoever anonymous is, but tomorrow and the next day, some young American boy (and other nationalities as well) are going to die, and I hate to say, but it isn't because they are saving the world from WMDs like our "politicians" claimed we started this war over.
Like you stated-- how great we can all express our views, but when you have the courage to put out a great message like that shirt, maybe some people should keep their anonymous comments to their self if they can't appreciate the point you are trying to make.
I know you are a big boy and don't need me or anyone else "sticking up for you" but that last poster pissed me off quite frankly with their naive leeway towards "our politicians" intentions and critiquing you because of a tee shirt!
I know your blog is about allot of positive things, but unfortunately this shirt is really "drawing a line in the sand" and I am declaring I am standing on your side of the line on this one and others of course can disagree (in anonymity) or otherwise but this debate will not go away until enough people say, "we are mad as hell, and we are not going to take it anymore".
Enough typing, I will put my money were my mouth is and go buy a shirt now! I encourage all others who know what Kent is saying (and agree) to do the same.
the usa produces enuf oil to lube all our chains if we just quit driving. we'd prolly have enuf left over for our hubs too ;-) thx superfreak
Kent, great idea for a shirt. I am getting one.
Hey that is a Cool Shirt! Found it through a link from drunkcyclist.com and it looks like ernesto the eco-biker dude has just developed something like that (he just emailed me and wants me to try his eco-lube!)
look at www.ernestolube.com
I followed the link from Drunk Cyclist as well. Cool design. Any thoughts of putting it on any other color of shirt(s)? I like your other hi-vis colors in your store, I'd even wear baby blue if that's what it came in, but white tees just look like crap in no time under my (not so) tender care.
Cool T-shirt.
I want one, but can there be a SS/ fixie version? Please?
If you're a liberal, then you're border like socialist cause you're comment about anoynmous keeping his mouth shut goes against everything that we are about. That's the great thing about this country, we can say whatever we want, and yes sometime we have to put up with stupid people... That's the price we pay for freedom. So go ahead and post your heart away... You're allowed this freedom as long as you are sleeping under the blanket of our military. Have a good day, and don't be so angry to others. Kent, the shirt is funny, and I'll buy one. I do wish you had made it a singlespeed as well, I don't want to even have gears on my shirt, but I'll make an exception.
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