On Sunday September 9, 2007 the Seattle International Randonneurs rode the Issaquah Alps 100K. This is a pretty tough 100K for a couple of reasons. First off, it's actually 111 kilometers long. But the extra distance isn't what makes it tough, it's the climbing. Back when Jan Heine and I originally cooked up this course, we wanted to incorporate the various mountains that make up the "Issaquah Alps", so we packed half a dozen big climbs into those 111 kilometers. And the course has a lot of flat riding, so the climbing is concentrated and has big climbs at the beginning and end. You can see the route sheet here:
Rene, Narayan, Matt, Ted and I worked the control check-points for the ride while everybody else rode it. It was a great day and even though I did get cursed a bit for my course design (the route has about twice as much climbing per kilometer as PBP, for example). Still, I think most folks enjoyed themselves.
Here are the results:
2806 Blacker Rick 05:20:00
**** Bleck Bradley 05:41:00
1515 Brudvik Bob 05:50:00
3438 Chow Galvin 05:18:00
**** Debois Dave 05:30:00
**** Delahunty Bradley 05:24:00
4171 Delahunty Kevin 05:15:00
3900 Dorr Joby 06:32:00
**** Dunphy Allan 06:40:00
1523 Eman Orin 04:50:00
3899 Gay Christopher 06:36:00
2436 Gobie Bill 06:57:00
**** Gorman Mark 04:23:00
4400 Graham Doug 04:57:00
3434 Harper David 05:07:00
4341 Hennings Tim 05:14:00
**** Israel Thomas 05:22:00
484 Jameson Don 06:01:00 Tandem
3558 Jameson Elaine 06:01:00 Tandem
3179 Jensen Ann 06:01:00 Tandem
2536 Jensen James 06:01:00 Tandem
**** Kato Ken 04:50:00
3441 Krishnamoorthy Narayan 06:45:00 pre-ride
324 Lansche James 05:38:00
3439 Llona Joe 05:04:00
1606 McFall Ray 05:23:00
4082 McHale Mike 05:52:00
**** Miller Thomas 05:19:00
3496 Morris John 04:23:00
3497 Newlin Matthew 06:45:00 pre-ride
3097 Nguyen Thai 06:40:00
**** Nightlinger Mark 05:42:00
**** Oyler Gordon 06:02:00
3891 Paley Greg 05:50:00
**** Pasciuti David 05:05:00
3032 Perera Shan 06:45:00 pre-ride
344 Peterson Kent 06:45:00 pre-ride
1310 Read Dave 04:24:00
2575 Richeson Mike 05:54:00
1492 Ringkvist Victor 06:08:00
2843 Roehrig Mark 04:57:00
4345 Shuman Randy 05:14:00
1645 Slaback Dennis 06:39:00
**** Slyfield Jim 06:33:00
**** Smith Dottie DNF
**** Spencer Ben 04:51:00
**** Stanley Eman 05:40:00
64 Thomas Mark 05:56:00
**** Tomchick Glenn DNF
1232 Vande Kamp Mark 04:23:00
**** Wilson Chris 05:30:00
51 riders total
47 day of ride
4 pre-ride
49 finishers
Big thanks to the Control workers:
Comeaux Rene -- Tiger Mountain
Newlin Matt -- Controls 1 & 2
Krishnamoorthy Narayan -- Sign in and final control
Peterson Kent -- Sign in and final control
Vedera Ted -- Final control
Special thanks to Sandy's Espresson in Carnation for their support.
Sounds fun. How many feet of climbing total?
There's some over a mile of vertical gain.
cool use of spreadsheets...
Does the underlying spreadsheet do the miles-to-km conversion for you and the cummulative distances?
If it does, it wouldbe cool to make a template out of it for others to post ride routes...
To make it into a template, just post the "View Only" link (form the share tab - when 'anyone can view') and add a parameter to the end: &newcopy
That makes it so that when people click that link, they get a copy of your spreadsheet into their account rather than joining the collaborative session on your copy
(I know, not so obvious...)
Have fun!
That sounds like a great ride, having it occur two years in the future is quite an accomplishment!
Doh! The lure of the 9/9/09 date fooled my fingers. I edited the post so anyone reading Gordon's comment now will wonder what the heck he is talking about.
It's hard to find errors in the stuff you've written because you tend to read what you meant to write instead of what you actually wrote. Of course some things are so obvious you wonder how they ever made it into print. Just yesterday I read the following two sentences on page 3 of the Fall 2007 Mountain Gear catalog:
"The 1100 cubic inch Astro fits a laptop to 15.4 inches, and the Elroy fits a 17-inch with 1500 cubic inches of storage. (Can shorten this last sentence if not enough space.)"
On page 45 of the same catalog the Mountain Gear folks list the Black Diamond Winter Bivy ("small enough to fit into a jacket pocket") as weighing 9 lb. 8 oz.
Perhaps the Black Diamond folks are making their bivy out of spun lead or maybe, just maybe, the Mountain Gear people should've run their catalog past an editor.
wow amazing
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