A few years ago I decided that John Fogerty isn't just a good song writer, he's a pretty decent career counsellor. So I left a good job in the city, working for the man every night and day. And I wound up working as a bike mechanic at Sammamish Valley Cycle. It's a great job at a great place working with great people.
While I have some talent with a wrench, I also really like is riding and writing about people I've met and things I've learned on various roads and trails. Over the years I've had many people tell me that my bike stories have inspired them to get out and ride. I guess my love of bikes and riding comes through in those stories and I get a lot of satisfaction in helping other people find their own joy in riding.
Which brings me to my new job. Starting in December, I'll be working as the Commuting Program Director for the Bicycle Alliance of Washington. As I said, Sammamish Cycle is a great place to work, but working at the Bicycle Alliance is going to let me do even more of what I love. I'll be matching up new bike commuters with experienced bike buddies. I'll be mapping out commute routes for people. I'll be working with King County Metro to help people with multi-modal commutes involving bikes and bike lockers and buses. I'll be working with local companies to help them help their employees bike to work. It's another great job with more great people.
The job interview with Bicycle Alliance wasn't your typical interview. My friend Linda Schwartz told me that I wouldn't need to do the super-hero costume change and that I could just roll my bike straight into Bicycle Alliance Headquarters. When Barbara Culp, Bicycle Alliance Executive Director, saw my bike she said "Wow, nice fenders." And then Barbara and Linda proceded to tell me about the job and why they thought I'd be perfect for it. The more we talked, the more we agreed.
As I rode up Capitol Hill and past Seattle University, I saw a bike commuter towing a trailer. In the trailer was a cello. Now a lot of folks might see something like that and think "how odd!" Others might look at it and think "how cool!" I looked at that and thought "there's Brad." I caught up with Brad at the next light and filled him in on my new job. Brad is a musician and music teacher. He's one of my buddies and he's a cycling role model.
Bicyle commuting is my job. In my new job, I'll have a somewhat longer commute. Since I commute by bicycle and I love bicycling, that longer commute is a plus. Another big plus will be the chance to pair folks like Brad up with folks who want to be like Brad.
This will be another interesting ride on another interesting road. I'm looking forward to the trip.
Congrats on the new gig, Kent!
Awesome. Congrats on the new job.
nice job..your writing has inspired me and helped me pass many a boring day at the office ;-)
Congratulations! Now who's going to work on my bike??? It's all about me, ya know? Me, me, me... how does this affect ME?????
deep sigh. Ok, way to go man! It sounds like the perfect gig for you :)
just great! sometimes things work the way they should. every best wish
Great News... Your city will be better off...
Enjoy the new gig!
Dude! Trent here. Congratulations.
Congrats on the new gig.
Our city could use an org like that.
Congrats, Kent. You're lucky to have an opportunity like this.
Key Kent. this is way cool. I will miss seeing you at SVC. I am in Fr(B)oston today and Seattle has a ways to go in making bike commute prevalent. But now WE have Kent! Congratulations, Mauricio Gonzalez de la Fuente
Kent, this is great. Maybe, I could do this for the State of Missouri some day.
I wish we were more pro bike here in the Chicagoland are. Someday maybe someday.
Good luck to you and keep up the good work you are doing.
i believe bikes and bicycles are like friends and we have to treat them in that way
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