Saturday, April 04, 2015

#30DaysofScootering - Day 4 - Lunar Eclipse

Christine starts work at 4:00 AM, so we're often up early. Today there was a lunar eclipse in the early morning hours and I scooted off to Confluence Park in Issaquah to get away from the glare of the street lights to see if I could get a good picture. I got a good view of the eclipse and watched it pass from partial to full, but I really couldn't capture it very well with the camera.

I did recreate the image of the eclipse with my morning donut.

I also got this nice night shot of Swifty, which shows off the lovely beam cast by my Portland Design Works Mars Rover headlight.

I also got a couple of nice pictures in front of one of Issaquah's historical murals.

Later I scootered back and forth to work and lunch. 2.38 miles of scootering today, taking the month's total to 17.43 miles.

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