I saw a lot of very nice bikes at Trek World, bikes that are actually in production and available for purchase at your local Trek dealer, but I also got to see some cool "thing we're working on" projects which may or may not ever be available for purchase. The Sasquatch falls into this latter category. When I originally posted the above photo on Twitter, one person asked "Why is there an axe on that bike?" That is clearly the wrong question for the target market. Speaking as someone who would love to own a Sasquatch, my immediate thought on seeing the bike was "Why doesn't my bike have an axe on it?"

The axe is there to behead chickens on that front butcher block.
Maybe it's there in case you need to axe directions.
This bike is so rugged, an axe is the only multi-tool you'll need.
That's just so brilliant. They should get that bike on Doctor Who. I can just see Amy Pond asking why there's an axe on his bike, and the Doctor says, 'Axes are cool.'
Looks like a fun bike ... the read plaid definitely adds a fun lumberjack dimension. But, the geometry looks really weird. Wonder how it handles.
I didn't get to ride the Sasquatch but I got to ride the bike you can see in the background of one of the photos. Same swoopy frame, same fat tires, but an internal hub and no front rack or axe. The bike rode fine, like a really cushy beach cruiser. Not exactly nimble, but it plowed over everything. With the fat, cushy tires the whole bike takes hits like it has suspension. I took it in sand and off some small jumps. Real fun.
It's illegal to hunt sasquatch with an axe in my state, but can you use the bike off-label on chupacabra? How about fauns?
Damn, I'd love to run down a screaming faun while swinging that axe.
I may have to hold out for Surly's rumored double-barrell Slugsley.
Perfect for the metrolumberjack (and that's OK) in a utilikilt.
I met one once, touring with an enormous backpack from which dangled a huge hatchet. He admitted he hadn't used the hatchet. This thing would have been his dream machine.
Suggestions: does that axehead come in ti? Also, where's the cupholder? It'll never get featured in BQ without 650bs, y'know, and there's the demographic.
And Bob, manly bikes don't need to axe no stinkin directions.
The axe is to cut down a tree so you can whittle a new spoke if you break one on a ride.
When I saw that bike, I thought, "Hey, you can chop wood AND take it home!"
I actually think the bike market offers too few weaponized options.
Watch out lance-wielding fixie jousters!
I want one with a catapult.
I think I am in the target demographic, as is the entire city of Fairbanks
Where's the left side bracket for the shotgun? With the axe in that position, it leans way over to the right ;)
All the Sasquatch lacks is a hitch and a blue trailer called "Babe".
hey kent did you see anything about the 2012 trek earl at trek world? I can't find any info anywhere and trek hasn't given me any info
Why wait?
Ah, would luv to see a paintball barrel flatbar w intregrated laser guided rear viewing helmet camera that would tag the too close vehicle & take a pic too.
The axe looks too difficult to access even w quick release and needs to be on the left side for a more fluid swing.
The 2012 Earl is alive and well. For 2012, it's available in either black or a very nice looking orange.
I think top notch cruisers are making a new market for themselves. How many beach bike come with a brooks?
Jason Reeves
Joint Health Author
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