He has a bunch of other great stuff including printable summaries of the Washington State bicycle laws on his website here:
Larry and I chat for several hours. Larry has a good sense of what works in terms of growing a community that fosters cycling. "It's not just facilities and infrastructure, it's education." But jurisdictional issues make it hard to do programs and it's relatively easy to put a stripe of paint on the road. But a bad bike lane, something that encourages cyclists to ride in the door zone or dumps them into the path of right turning cars, often does more harm than good.
We talk about the Effective Cycling people. "The problem is a lot of people will never even consider riding in traffic and a lot of EC folks spend way too much time and effort railing against facilities." I tell Larry about a site I tend to point people to, Michael Bluejay's How Not To Get Hit By Cars. "I like it because it's more pragmatic and less dogmatic."
Larry and I agree that one of the things that makes us safer as cyclists is if there are more of us out there. And that's where facilities can help. But it's not all one thing or the other. Bike trails, bike lanes, vehicular cycling, sharrows, helmets can all be part of the mix but each of those things can also be a point of controversy that absorbs huge amounts of time and energy.
Larry has good advice on how not to get bogged down in the "you're wrong!" discussions. "Keep the ego out of it. Work on what you can and if folks wind up using it, that's great." He points to his commute guide. "We just made it." Larry left space on it where folks can put their own logos and stuff and he encourages folks to print it out and use it. "It's been used by a variety of other states and towns." He's found it pirated in some cases but usually people ask. "I don't have a problem with people making copies, that's why we made it, but it's better if they ask. I can keep track and keep people up-to-date with revisions." As with many things, there is more to do than time to do it. I tell Larry I'll be happy to help with the next round of revisions.
Oly Bikes is a tiny shop, but they make great use of their small space. They sell a lot of basic transportation bikes and Larry told me that business is up 20% this year and 40% for the last month. Since coming to Olympia, I've seen more bike trailers in use than I've noticed anywhere else. Larry attributes the popularity of the trailers to the presence of Evergreen College and it's environmentally minded students. There are a lot of folks in this town riding bikes instead of driving to do errands, get groceries and do other practical things.
Hey Kent - are you using your other digi cam for these pics? They seem a lot nicer.
I'm thinking of scoring a pencam and seeing what I think of the results. I'm not sure I'll be happy with the quality, but then again I suppose in many situations it would be a pencam picture or no picture at all.
So far I haven't found a Canadian source for these pencams and given the price it isn't worth ordering from the US and dealing with customs.
Enjoy the rest of your trip!
Yep, I broke my pencam just as I rolled into Olympia (see previous post). These were shot with my bigger, nicer $100 Kodak C433. The pencam has the advantage of being really cheap and always at hand but the Kodak shoots much better pics. Now that my pencam is dead, I have take the "not give a damn and just shoot" attitude over to the Kodak. I think that's the key.
For sure....I keep a camera handy with me on the bike and snap away when I'm in the mood. You get much better and more interesting pics than the typical bike stopped at scenic point shots you see so often. Once you get into it you can really capture that sense of movement and flow that is the bicycle experience. Of course as you suggest you will get a fair number of bad pics in the mix - since you'll almost never be able to compose a shot.
I refer to myself as the point and shoot commando! If you want to see some of my portfolio..hahaha...just check the first January entires of my Vik Approved blog. And if you've never cycled toured Baja - I give it my 10 stars of fun Vik Approved rating.
I recommend using the nicer camera when you can. The higher quality pics are well worth some extra hassle, but obviously the pen cam has its place as well.
Enjoyed your rambling ride.
Keep keepin' it real on two wheels...=-)
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