Hey Kent cool track. I'll yake my boys yonder when we pass through. Also I thought you might dig the sprokets my buddy and I are making. We're trying to start a little business of it...we'll see. check out www.icecyclechainringshome.com tell me what you think. Eddie
OMG!!! They STILL have that track?? I remember racing on it when i was a KID, oh so many years ago. I used to live in Coolege Place, and raced on that tack I dont know how many times. I am glad to see it is still there.
drawing by the multi-talented Russ Roca. Send any Bike Questions to Kentsbike (at) Gmail (dot) com.
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Hey Kent cool track. I'll yake my boys yonder when we pass through. Also I thought you might dig the sprokets my buddy and I are making. We're trying to start a little business of it...we'll see. check out www.icecyclechainringshome.com tell me what you think. Eddie
OMG!!! They STILL have that track?? I remember racing on it when i was a KID, oh so many years ago. I used to live in Coolege Place, and raced on that tack I dont know how many times. I am glad to see it is still there.
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