Saturday, October 13, 2012

Port Townsend Tour: Days 6 and 7 in Port Townsend

There are a myriad of things to do in Port Townsend and Christine and I fill the days as we often do, seeking out the simple things we enjoy. After breakfast in camp we walk along the beach up to the Point Wilson, watching the birds and fisher folk, listening to the lapping of the waves, enjoying each other's company.

We bike into town, park our bikes and wander. We approve of the Broken Spoke's choice of rental bikes.

While Christine and I love our Kindles (they save room and weight on tour and space at home, letting us carry the equivalent of a library something smaller than most single books), we also love old paper books. The word is that William James Bookseller will be closing at the end of the year when its owner retires but it's still open now and we spend at least an hour wandering the stacks. Despite the weight of paper, we wind up buying a little something.

Of course there is also lunch and ice cream and looking at the water.

Sunday we pack up camp and roll back into Port Townsend.

Christine loves old church buildings and Port Townsend's St. Paul's is a real gem.

After church, we wander downtown. Because it's film festival weekend, movie folks are in town. This makes always odd Port Townsend just that little bit odder.

As we're having a late breakfast of Green Eggs and Ham (ham, cheese & spinach all scrambled up, really good!) at the Blue Moose Cafe, I can't help but think that three year old me looking forward in time half a century would totally approve of the life being lived by fifty-three year old me.

We check out the ReCyclery, which is still under construction and closed but obviously awesome. For those of you keeping score at home, for a town of about 9,000 people, Port Townsend is pretty darn rich in bike resources.

As we roll out of town, I see Port Townsend's Victorian Bike Lady riding along. I'm not quick enough with the camera, but my pal Bob did a nice blog post about her earlier this year.

The naval military history of the area has left this part of the world rich in parks. After spending the past two nights at Fort Worden State Park, we ride just a few miles south of town and settle in for Sunday night at Fort Townsend State Park.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice travelogue! One thing I love about the Pacific NW is how it's so easy to go on holiday with very modest means, because of our great State Parks system, State Ferries and Amtrak, a plethora of back roads and friendly small towns. Your posts are inspirational for even non-bike people. I think the trick to a trip like is is to reconnect with the pure joy a person felt as a child..... like just riding your bike.... or eating green eggs and ham.
