Monday, April 30, 2012

#30DaysofBiking: Zoo Hill

Today is the final day of the #30DaysofBiking and the Blogging From A to Z Challenge. It's a damp, misty morning here in Issaquah but I rode up Zoo Hill, a 1000 foot climb up Cougar Mountain. describes Zoo Hill thusly:

Zoo Hill - named after the small zoo at the bottom - is arguably the toughest climb in the Seattle area. Ascending 1200 feet over 2.5 miles, it has an average grade of about 10%, with common gradients in 15% and some sections approaching 20%. This is not a climb to be approached lightly.

Or, as one rider noted, "Zoo Hill is the puke-inducing lactate-producing gasp-fest that I avoid unless taunted"

I didn't do the top stub of the climb that goes up to the old Nike Missile Site so I "only" got 1000 feet of climbing in before I looped back for home via Lakemont Boulevard. BTW, I neither gasped, puked or walked. I did spend a lot of time spinning the lowest gear on my Allant, however.

13 miles this morning. The total miles for the month is 310 miles.

Keep 'em rolling,

Kent "Mountain Turtle" Peterson
Issaquah WA USA


  1. Thanks for all the great stuff this month Kent

  2. Thanks for the glimpse into your part of the world this month. Really enjoyed your 30 days of biking posts.

  3. Nice work! I'm looking forward to travelling south and seeing some of these places you biked, in person.

  4. You've been building up to this climb all month! GASP and you did it. NO comment about what it was like going back down in the rain???

    Mimi Torchia Boothby

  5. Anonymous9:25 PM

    My guess is that Kent went down the other side rather than descending down the zoo.
