Tuesday, April 10, 2012

#30DaysofBiking: Issaquah

I live in Issaquah and I get around by bicycle. These pictures are from this morning's ride, all within the city limits. All within a couple of miles of my home, all within biking distance. I saw deer and ducks, songbirds and squirrels and far more flowers and trees than I could ever count.

It's a beautiful world and I live in a very beautiful part of it known as Issaquah, Washington.

5 miles for the day.

Keep 'em rolling,

Kent "Mountain Turtle" Peterson
Issaquah, WA USA


  1. I is for Issaquah. You, more than any other person, make me wish i lived there.

    Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors

  2. Wow, you actually get to live there? I'm kind of jealous. I come from Texas, and we do not get those kinds of views. It' really beautiful. Great post and happy A-Z blogging.

  3. That's awesome! I love all the photos of your bike, as if it was on vacation and had to keep asking people to take its photo. :D You're very lucky to live in such a flat-looking place with such great places to bike. Ride on!

    Just another A to Z Challenger stopping by...

  4. I really like the idea of this. I should have done this.
