Wednesday, April 20, 2011

#30DaysofBiking: Along the Lake & the River

Today I rode north to the Totem Lake area of Kirkland to have lunch with my old friend from my software days, Matt Campbell. As I worked my way toward Redmond, I saw a deer headed down to the lake for a drink.

Lunch and conversation at the Brown Bag Cafe were great, but the Brown Bag is located in probably the least photogenic part of Kirkland, the auto-centric strip-malled area known as Totem Lake, so I don't take any pictures and instead navigate the traffic doing my impersonation of a Portlandian going "cars, man, why?"

On the way back home, I detour off the river trail to stop at the Redmond Library and score a couple of books for a grand total of $2.50 from the Friends of the Library sale shelf.

I'll enjoy the trail while I can, but signs inform me that portions of it will be closed for much of the year. I know there is also construction planned for the Issaquah end of the trail as well.

Keep 'em rolling,

Kent "Mountain Turtle" Peterson
Issaquah WA USA


  1. Jim Laudolff5:59 AM

    Read your mystery and then try to solve the mystery of why anyone would want to pave the E.L Sam. trail. I was hoping that would get cut from the budget.

  2. LarryG10:57 AM

    River Horse was a great read. You're so lucky to live in a great area like that. I've been doing time in Lexington Kentucky for the past 10 years, where the outdoors is shaped exclusively for driving, commerce, and work.

  3. Alexis12:04 PM

    Put a bird on it! ;-)

  4. Hi, Hey I'll 2nd River Horse, slower than by bike though. I just finished another Doig, one I started over 2 yrs ago. My dog chewed off one corner of the book so I though I better finish it before she did. Made people on the bus laugh ith to my Dog-eared Doig.
