Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wooden Bicycle

The good folks at Lee Valley Tools just published a great article by 16-year-old high school student Marco Facciola. You can read Marco's wonderful story of his amazing wooden bicycle here:

In every age we have people predicting the end of the world, doom and gloom and how we as a species are just too stupid to survive. While there certainly is a lot of stupidity in this world and a very large share of problems, there are also folks like Marco. And when I see that this world, with all it's problems, still manages to turn out a guy who can make a chain out of maple and make a freewheel system out of wood, I can't be pessimistic.

Keep 'em rolling.


  1. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Save the planet - kill a tree? :P

  2. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Take that on your next century...

  3. That is great! And the freewheel is genius!

  4. Awesome...he could have made it a fixed-gear and simplified things, but he went with a wooden freewheel that is GENIUS!

    Maybe there is hope for the younger generation?

  5. he should have built a bent. doesn't he know how slow, uncomfortable, and how 20th century wooden DF bikes are? if it wasn't for the great wooden bike ban of 1987 we'd all be riding wooden bents by now.

    and freewheels are so yesterday. why didn't he at least build it with a rohloff? or for the budget minded, a wooden nexus.


  6. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Thanks for the uplifting link Kent.
    This kid's understatement is in such sharp contrast to the pompous swill of the previous topic.
    Why is it that people who are actually doing something with their life have no need to proselytize?

  7. I just wonder, does it have breaks?

  8. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Or brAKEs for that matter?...

    Kent, I've been scanning the Seattle Times to see if an article featuring you and the reporter you sheperded around the streets (per your Queen of Gleen post).

    Will you please let us know if such an article ever surfaces?

  9. Still waiting on the Times article. You never know how these things will come out in print and also the timing of things is at the mercy of various other news and editorial factors. If and when the article surfaces, I'll pass the word along. The reporter actually first started working on this piece back in October.


  10. A talented (hands on) mechanical engineer in the making ... I'd hire him in a minute !

  11. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Stick with Carbon, global warming will get us all in the end!

  12. That is good idea kent..!I`d love it...! our planet...!

    M E R D E K A atau M A T I

  13. Seriously!? I will instead prefer alloy bikes than those type because it is not environment friendly type.
