Saturday, January 05, 2008

Triple bike racks being (temporarily?) removed from Metro bus fleet

Metro just updated the bus bike rack info on their website here:

There have been problems with some bikes falling off the triple bike racks on the bus fleet and Metro is taking this very seriously. Here's the text of the notice:

----- Start of Metro's statement -----

CYCLIST ALERT-Updated Jan. 4, 2008

Starting Saturday, Jan. 5, 2008, bike racks will not be available on some Metro Transit routes and trips.

Some bike racks are being removed due to rack-operating concerns, and will be replaced in the coming weeks as they become available.

This change affects all bus trips on routes 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 12, 13, 14, 36, 49 and 70, and some trips on routes 7, 43 and 44.

The concerns regard bikes remaining tightly secured to the 3-position bike racks. Metro is working with the manufacturer to resolve the issues. In the meantime, all 3-bike racks are being removed. The goal is to temporarily replace them with 2-bike racks, but there are currently not enough of the 2-bike racks to equip every vehicle in Metro’s fleet.

During the transition, it is possible that some buses may or may not have racks when or where cyclists expect them. It is not possible for Metro staff to know ahead of time if a bus has a rack. Cyclists are reminded that rack use is first come, first served, and, with the exception of bikes that fold safely, bicycles may not be carried inside buses.

Metro appreciates your patience while this issue is being resolved. Please check this site for updates.

------- end of Metro's statement -----


  1. +1 for folders....=-)

  2. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Hey, while we're on the topic of Metro's accommodation of cyclists...

    I'd like to show my son the advantage of using the bus on his thrice weekly trip to school from West Seattle to Mercer Island - then ride my bike to work in Downtown Seattle. Unfortunately Metro's arbitrary rule against loading a bike at other than the first or last stop in the Downtown area prevent making that transfer with both bike and child.

    Metro claims that the proximity of so many buses in the downtown area make loading bikes dangerous. Hogwash I say. Bike loading and high bus density coexist at any one of dozens of suburban transit centers and park and ride lots to say nothing of the aforementioned first and last stops in the ride free (formerly "Magic Carpet")zone.

    So I drive my car.

  3. I didn't know that even bike racks could still cause some issues.
