Saturday, June 24, 2006

Princeton Tec Apex

While working the bike check-in at the SIR Cascade 1200 I got to see a lot of different light set-ups. A couple of riders were using the Princeton Tec Apex headlamp as their primary bike light. In both cases I saw, the riders had removed the headstrap and attached the light to their handlebars. As a bike light, they mostly run the three Watt Apex at it's lower power-settings to conserve runtime.

A very glowing review of the Apex can be found here:

On Amazon and other places I've found a lot of favorable reviews along with some negative reviews by people who were dissapointed and misled by some overly optimistic marketing. There is no free lunch and you can't get super-bright light for 72 hours off four AA cells but given the current limits of technology, the Apex looks pretty good. I've been very pleased with my Princeton Tec EOS as a helmet light but it uses 3 AAA cells. The Apex has a more rational 4 AA cell battery pack and from what I've read it runs very nicely with rechargeable NiMH cells. The riders I talked to seem very happy with the battery life and light output of the Apex on the lower power settings.

I don't have an Apex yet, but it makes a very looking, compact light and I think I'm going to be getting one soon. If and when I do, look for pictures and a more detailed report here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:55 PM


    Speaking of product reviews, you mentioned in a blog posting a few weeks ago that you would save your pro-Power Grips rant for a later date. I would be very interested to hear what you have to say about the pros and cons of Power Grips, and so I'm encouraging you to post a review.


    Dave Dederer
    Bellevue, WA
