Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Review: The Velocipede Races by Emily June Street

The Velocipede Races is a fast paced tale of a woman born into a repressive society. Emmeline Escot is a twin, a blood-born Serenia. She is expected to be a proper lady, corsetted into the proper shape for her proper role. Emmeline's family, though noble of birth, have fallen on hard times due to her papan's love of gambling and drink. Emmeline's brother, Gabriel, is a talented velocipede racer and his budding career is the family's best hope for a better life. The fall-back plan is to marry Emmeline off to some rich man of some status. But Gabriel does not love to race and Emmeline has little interest in suitors. Her true love, you see, is the velocipede. But it is forbidden...

The Velocipede Races is fine tale and as written by Emily June Street the first person voice of Emmeline tells a thrilling story. It's a rare novel that I can say reminds me of both a Jane Austen novel and the movie Rocky, but The Velocipede Races is both witty and thrilling. Ms. Street's characters and the world they inhabit are believable and fascinating. The racing scenes are written with skill and perfect pacing.

The Velocipede Races deftly combines sport and romance and I enjoyed every turn of the page and pedal as I rolled through this wonderful book. I strongly recommend this book to anyone who loves a good story, a good fight against long odds and who is thrilled by the freedom that can be found on two wheels.

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