Sunday, April 06, 2014

#30DaysofScootering: Scootering for Snacks

After I finished up work today, I scootered off to get myself a few snacks. It's a nice evening in Issaquah.

This little bridge over the Issaquah Creek is just south of Gilman Boulevard.

Later in the year, the trees along Gilman Boulevard will bear various edible fruits but today I'll have to get my snacks elsewhere.

As near as I can tell, Trader Joe's is a really good candy store that also has a few fruits and veggies.

I lock my scooter up to the bike rack, go in and get a few things.

I carry this little nylon bag folded up in my pocket for my small shopping trips. For my bigger excursions, I have a bigger backpack.

I scooter off towards home on more of Issaquah's excellent trail system.

This is the trail that loops behind the Target and Safeway stores.

Various bits of preserved wetlands serve as drainage buffers for the parking lots.

Back home with my snacks. The little black blob to the left of the bananas is my bag all packed away. By the way, I AM NOT A NUTRITIONAL ROLE MODEL.

In other news, Fabian Cancellera won his third Tour of Flanders today. And he celebrates by tweeting out a picture of latest racing machine:

People are catching on that scooters are cool. 

I scootered 3.9 miles today, bringing my April total to 65.13 miles.


  1. Still totaling miles? Once a rando, always a rando. Love to you and yours, kent!

  2. Hey Kent

    Looks like you may need one of these:

    Have a look:

    So what's next? Scootering the Great Divide route?

    Ron Richings
    Vancouver BC

  3. Maybe you need one of these.

    Have a look:

    Ron Richings
    Vancouver BC
