Saturday, April 26, 2014

#30DaysofScootering: The Long Way Home

It's just over a quarter of a mile between home and work, so I scooter to work and back and forth for lunch, I get a bit over a mile's worth of scootering in a day. But on a nice day, like today, I might take the long way home. I'm not racing. I stop to smell the flowers.

There are a lot of flowers in Issaquah.

More of Issaquah's public art. That's Tiger Mountain in the background.

And still more flowers. A grand total of 3.82 miles of scootering today, bringing the April total to 221.41 miles.


  1. We have another week or so before thick blooms appear around the NYC-East Coast area. BTW, I'm getting stronger and hope to take a 3-miler this week. To and from a café, of course . . .

  2. Very inspiring scooter touring, Kent,and beautiful pictures. Scooter may be an interesting choice of transportation. Thanks for sharing your story.
