Saturday, April 19, 2014

#30DaysofScootering: Issaquah Farmer's Market

Today was the first Issaquah Farmer's Market of the year. I don't have to be at work at the bike shop until 10:00 AM and the Farmer's Market opens at 9:00 AM, so I scootered over before work to check things out. The Market takes place on the grounds of the old Pickering farm site.

I park my scooter next to my friend Jeff's XtraCycle. Jeff's helping out at the city's Department of Sustainability booth today. Jeff tells me my scooter evangelism has paid off. He's ordered a KickPed of his own!

Mary Joe and Micah are a couple of people who work hard to make Issaquah a great place to live, walk, bike and scoot!

Brenda from CleanScapes is another of Issaquah's environmental champions.

CleanScapes are the folks who pick up our recycling here in Issaquah and they have a store in Gilman Village specializing in goods made from recycled materials.

CleanScapes will soon be rebranded as Recology CleanScapes. Among other things, they work with my pals at Bike Works, collecting used bikes and selling refurbished used kids bikes.

This fish hatchery folks are here.

And so are the green power folks.

But the main business of the market is food and crafts from various small, local and regional vendors.

The Mahlens have great smoked salmon and cheese. I had a small budget ($20) allocated to today's market trip. About half of it went into smoked cheese. It was money very well spent.

More vendors. The forecast is for rain, but for the first hour, things stay dry.

As summer rolls on the Saturday markets will get busier.

Despite the name, Shelly's business is actually a local Issaquah operation. "Seattle Soap Shop is much more alliterative," she explains.

The Little Prague Bakery also got some of my money. I got a lovely cream cheese pastry.

Of course there are fruit and veggie vendors at the Farmer's Market.

There is also funky art.

I didn't buy any art.

I did buy a (very good) hot chocolate. The coffee folks were doing a good business on this cool morning. The crane in the background is part of the construction of a new parking garage for the Costco corporate offices.

The farm site is also home to one of Issaquah's community gardens.

Today, all the action is on the other side of the barn.

As I scooter off to work, I stop to take a quick picture of another of the creatures that is quite common in this damp part of the world, the slug. They get kind of big around here.

6.25 miles of scootering today, bringing my April total to 156.27 miles.


  1. Makes me think of Europe! (but you can keep the slugs)

  2. Jeff is not the only one. Your mention of the Go ped Know ped with it's larger deck earlier this month, proved to be just what I needed for my sized 16 feet! It arrived this week and is rapidly becoming my main means of transport around our small village. I'm quite the talk of the town: a 6'4", 63yo man heading home from running errands with a backpack stuffed with groceries, baked goods and flowers. ; - )

  3. Anonymous6:57 AM

    The banana slug triggered my only religious experience. I may or may not have smoked something. Afterwards, I studied a shiny, seven inch specimen for a bit. Mr. Brain concluded, no way can this kind of nastiness occur by chance.

