Thursday, April 03, 2014

#30DaysofScootering: The Alleys and Quiet Streets of Issaquah

After yesterday's scooter trip to Seattle, I took it easy today. Christine and I both have Thursdays off from work and our weekly custom is to get up when we feel like it, walk the two miles to our favorite breakfast spot, The Issaquah Cafe. On the walk home, we stop for donuts (which will serve as our afternoon snack) and we check out some of the local wetlands to see what is going on with the local birds and beasts. It's a lovely, relaxing way to spend the day. Thursday afternoon usually involves some lounging around, reading and napping. Needless to say, Thursday is our favorite day of the week.

But, this month is the #30DaysofScootering and I take my scootering and blogging duties seriously, so around 3:00 PM I roused my self, looked at the impending clouds and headed out for a quick trip around the neighborhood.

I live in the section of Issaquah known as Olde Town (yeah Google Maps spells it that way) and my neighborhood has a lot of small residential streets and many of the blocks have alleys bisecting them. Big city alleys have that crime & grime reputation but Issaquah's alleys are pretty quiet and great for scootering.

It's spring now, so lots of trees are in bloom.

Every time I go past the rear of the local funeral home, the tombstones remind me of a creepy story I first read forty years ago, August Heat by W. F. Harvey. It's an oldie, but well worth seeking out.

This old cabin is still standing behind a modern house.

Most of the alleys are smoothly paved, with very little traffic. Today is garbage day so everybody has their garbage, recycling and yard waste bins out.

After scootering up and down a few alleys, I cross over the north branch of the Issaquah Creek a few times via a series of small bridges.

The signs say PEDESTRIANS ONLY but I've never heard of anyone having a problem when crossing these by bike or kick scooter.

More blooming trees and waste bins.

I scooter home just as it is starting to rain.

1.9 miles for the day, bringing my April scootering total to 57.4 miles.

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