Monday, April 08, 2013

#30DaysofScooting: Just the Commute and a Short Evening Scoot

It was raining this morning and I was reading a good book, so I didn't make it out the door for a scoot before work. I did scoot back and forth to work and home for lunch and tonight I got a bit of a scoot in under the glow of the street lamps. I've got a really good little light, the just-released Planet Bike Blaze 2Watt Micro. (I haven't seen the new Blaze lights in stores yet, I got my light via my mysterious connections to the elves who make such things.) I'll do a full review of this light once I've had a chance to check out the battery life and a few other things but my initial impression is that this is a very nice light. It's smaller than the old Blaze lights. This one the size of my old Planet Bike Beamer 3, but bright as heck.

A short day of scooting today and tonight, about half a mile in all.

Keep 'em rolling,

Kent "Mountain Turtle" Peterson
Issaquah WA USA

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:10 PM

    I was hoping we'd bump into you on the Rainier Trail! But at least our rig impressed two moms with babies by the train museum. And we'll still be back in town next Thursday--today was just an extra dentist visit. Joy.
