Thursday, April 05, 2012

#30DaysofBiking: Evergreens & Elevenses

Washington was nicknamed "The Evergreen State" by a pioneering Seattle realtor who probably thought that the scrub desert of the eastern half of the state wasn't worth mentioning. He also may have thought that "The Everwet State" probably wasn't a slogan that would inspire people to settle here, so he decided to focus instead on the green growth that results from all the rain. Probably a wise move.

There was a bit of a break in the wet weather this morning and Christine and I ventured forth for Elevenses, which folks from the UK and Hobbits will tell you is one of the many important meals of the day.

3 more miles added to the monthly total.

Keep 'em rolling,

Kent "Mountain Turtle" Peterson
Issaquah WA USA


  1. I love to ride my bike, too. Most days I ride about 3 miles or so. But, when it gets hot (as it's going to do soon here in the Midwest), it will be much harder to stay motivated.

    I think Seattle would be a much better place to bike ride in the summer. Lucky you!

  2. I just want to say thanks for helping to inspire me to ride every day this month.
    Also, thanks for giving me yet another excuse to eat. I may appreciate that more than the riding.

  3. Agree with the hobbits about elevenses :)

    Look forward to your challenge run…
    --Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z
    PS: pls turn off your word verification to make it easier to comment---you might consider comment moderation instead if you're unsure :)
