Wednesday, March 21, 2012

April Bikeological Challenge: 30 Days of Biking & Blogging From A to Z

I'm not exactly sure what the posts to this blog are going to look like next month, but because I've decided to take on a couple of challenges, I can tell you that there will be a post up here every day in April. Last year I participated in the 30 Days of Biking and it was quite fun so I decided to do it again. 30 days, 30 rides, 30 posts. I don't promise anything huge, but I'm going to get a ride in and a photo and some text posted each day. If want to join in the fun of 30 Days of Biking there's still time to sign up.

My friend Mimi pointed me to another challenge and I realized I could do Blogging From A to Z in April together with 30 Days of Biking. I think combining these two challenges into one is a brilliantly stupid move on my part, akin to Spinal Tap's amplifiers that go to eleven. The results of this Alphabetical Bikeological Challenge will be revealed, day by day, in April.

So stay tuned. And if you have any suggestions for letter themes for a day, leave them in a comment. Right now, I suspect my final ride in April may involve riding up Zoo Hill.

Keep 'em rolling,

Kent "Mountain Turtle" Peterson
Issaquah WA USA


  1. OH NO, not ZOO HILL!!! that was scary to drive up in a CAR!!

    Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors

  2. Can't wait for all thirty posts!

  3. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I'm in :)

    The Disabled Cyclist

  4. I did 30 days of flogging with 30 days of biking last September and it was exhausting! (the flogging, not the biking)

    The question: since the alphabet only has 26 letters, which ones will you repeat to get to 30? Or will you choose random favorite letters?

  5. You had be at "biking" but now I really want to see how you pull off the biking, blogging and A-Z Challenge!

  6. I'm a new reader and I just want to say good luck with the thirty days of biking and blogging! I would agree with Barb, it does sound very exhausting. I look forward to reading all about it!
