Friday, April 29, 2011

#30DaysofBiking: Will You Ride With Sophie?

I'm headed out soon to do my daily ride. Today I'm going to the bank and the grocery store because I need money & groceries (duh!). Since this is part of the 30 days of biking, I'll take my camera since I've been documenting each day's ride. Maybe I'll see something cool but it probably won't be as cool as this awesome campaign that the Cascade Bicycle Club just launched. Check it out at:

Huge kudos to the folks at Cascade for coming up with and creating the "Will You Ride With Sophie?" video. It is brilliant and the "your movement is our movement" tagline is also spot on. It's fun, it's positive, it's joyful. It's positively joyful!

Keep 'em rolling,

Kent "Mountain Turtle" Peterson
Issaquah WA USA


  1. Outstanding Kent! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm taking my "sophie" out for a ride today!

    Oh, and hope you don't mind, but I have to post this on my blog! Too cool!

  2. That video is fabulous! I want to share it with everyone I know (except maybe my 92- and 93-year old aunt and uncle, because they even don't drive (but do e-mail).

    And I truly enjoy your 30-day cyclo-lit advento!

  3. Right on! As a new bicyclist, I can confirm that it's definitely renewed my spirit of fun and adventure.
