Saturday, March 05, 2011

Instead of driving...I won a pack!

A backpack is something I use every day. While my Ergon pack performed wonderfully on the Tour Divide, I don't need all the complex suspension and hydration systems when I'm going to the store or the coffee shop. For trips like this, I'm more likely to grab one of my smaller packs, something like my Osprey Daylite which is pictured above.

The Osprey is a great little pack, but when I cram it full of six books, there isn't a whole lot of room for snacks and spare clothes, so I decided to look for something a bit bigger. My lovely wife is completely happy with her somewhat larger Osprey Helix so I figured I'd check out what else Osprey had for sale. I wanted something maybe a bit different that the Helix, so off I went to the Osprey website to find the pack of my dreams, the baby bear's porridge of packs, something neither too big nor to small, the pack that would be just right.

While I found a plethora of packs there, I also found the Osprey blog and a contest. The contest was to complete this thought: "Instead of driving I..." The top ten winners would get to select from a range of very cool Osprey packs.

"Ah Ha!" I said in my best "the old man from a Christmas Story" voice, "Powers of the mind!" I set to work crafting my entry. I suppose if I'd been sly I wouldn't have blabbed to folks on Twitter and email about how they too could have a chance to win a pack, but I'm more chatty than sly. I told Christine, I told my kids, I told my biking and Twitter buddies.

I wrote my entry, hit submit and than waited out the days for the contest to end.

And I gave away the end to this story in the title of the post.

Yes, I won. I won! I won! I won! I danced around our apartment when I got the email, explaining to my long suffering wife that it's not just a pack, it's a major award. I think she's very grateful that it's just a pack and not a lamp in the shape of a leg.

You can read all the winning entries on the Osprey Blog.

This was my entry:

“Instead of driving I walk, bike, bus or take the train where I need to go. I’ve learned that what I need I can carry and what I can’t carry I don’t need. I have a small bike that carries me and when I get to the bus or train I can fold up the bike and carry it aboard. I have a pack that’s big enough to carry what I need for a day and life really only happens one day at a time. I have enough time to get where I’m going and what I need to enjoy the trip. Why would I want to be in a box, looking out at the world when I can be out in the world instead?” — Kent Peterson

This winning entry also caught my eye:

“Instead of driving, I step out my door to be greeted by a thermometer reading -40. Celsius, Fahrenheit, doesn’t really matter at this point. Hopping on my bike I cruise by a moose and her calf hanging out by the side of the road and get greeted by the sun rising over the Alaska range as I pedal into work appreciating that I live in a pretty cool place and discovering it is possible to break a sweat even at 40 below.” — Peter

That's Peter Peterson, my bike riding scientist son.

Those powers of the mind, I guess they run in the family!

Keep 'em rolling,

Kent "Mountain Turtle" Peterson
Issaquah WA USA


  1. Congratulations! Are you proudly displaying your major award in your living room window? :)

  2. Kent, this post had me smiling from ear to ear. Congratulations to both you and Peter.

  3. That is just too cool!

  4. The only thing better than a new pack well earned is a new pack well won.

  5. Thanks Kent, great to know things are happening for you, keep posting, love this blog , M x

  6. The apple didn't pedal far from the tree I see. Congrats..on all accounts...=-)

  7. Congrats! Any reason you didn't go for the larger Momentum 34? My old backpack was stolen recently (along with my Light & Motion light), so I've been looking at getting an Osprey pack for my bike commute.

  8. I went with the Momentum 26 over the 34 because I didn't want to go too big. If I have too much space, I tend to take too much stuff, so some limitation is helpful. The 26 is about double the space I have in my Daylite and seems like it will be the right volume for me.

  9. Do you think the 24 would hold the necessary bike tools, spare tube, lunch, laptop, jacket, and a change of work clothes (pants, shirt, socks, etc.)? My commute is going from 8 miles, down to <2 next fall, and I am trying to get away from using my panniers, everything in a backpack.

  10. JMH, I think you might be a candidate for the larger pack. I usually don't have a laptop in the mix & my clothes all pack down pretty small.

  11. JHM- I have about the same commute length and went for the 35L pack for my winnings. My current 25L commuter pack ( is pretty good, but it doesn't fit my laptop as nicely as I would like. Also if you are carrying an extra pair of shoes, definitely need the big size.

  12. Love it. Love the T-shirt!

  13. Nice - you both won. Great story.

  14. John Bokman1:41 PM

    I don't wear a backpack while riding because I have found the load to flop around too much for my liking. Which is to say, I have never used a quality pack, designed for the purpose.

    What specific design attributes make the Osprey pack comfortable to wear?

  15. Nice score on the pack!! Always fun to read another locals blog. I am fairly new to the world of cycling. I'm documenting it here
