Monday, June 14, 2010

Butterfly Racers

I spoke to Kent a few minutes ago and he related this wonderful story from the road.

Riding through the mountains of Montana, he keeps noticing all these butterflies. Little brown and orange butterflies, about the size of a quarter.

As he's riding, he's realizing that they migrate thousands of miles. And in fact, so is he, at the moment. And the little butterflies, they fly along, usually alone, and almost exactly the speed he is riding.

But sometimes they cluster in little groups. It took a while of riding to notice that they cluster around piles of animal poop.

And it occurred to him suddenly that they are just like Tour Divide racers! They travel thousands of miles, slowly, through the mountains alone, and occasionally they stop moving, cluster and eat crap!


  1. Hey, I know those butterflies! We have them in Arkansas too, & they do the same thing. Thanks so much to Mark and Christine for keeping us updated.


  2. Just listened to Kent's call-in from Columbia Falls & it's vintage Kent - fun, funny, positive... Do yourselves a favor & check it out. Then, lets all take Kent's advice, quit our jobs, and go join him.


  3. I sense a new story in the making - "The Butterfly and the Mountain Turtle - A Timeles Story of Friendship!" :) I wonder if it will be in the tradition of a road show like Bob Hope/Bing Crosby? :)

    - Zeke

  4. I read and listen to the accounts of this ride and I totally want to quit my job, and join the racers smashing their t'aints for 2,000+ miles.

    I wonder if my boss (and fellow cyclonut) would join me?

  5. Listening to Kent's call ins on the pod cast. He's having more fun than anybody out there and most of the people on vacation taking it easy.
