Sunday, May 09, 2010

Adventure's Out Your Backdoor

About a week ago I got a call at the shop from a woman from Portland who was planning a bike trip up in our area. I gave her a few answers over the phone and told her to send me an email so I could follow up with some more detailed routing advice. Later, via email, my friend Mark and I helped her plot her trip.

This morning I did my usual stuff. I wrote a review for my blog, I had some coffee, I rode a quick loop on Tiger Mountain. It's Mother's Day, so after my ride I walked over to the Front Street Marker (1/2 block from my house) to pick up some flowers and chocolate for the mother of my children. While I was picking out some other groceries, a woman comes up to me and says "Aren't you Kent? I recognize you from the internet." It's Rhonda, the woman I'd helped via email. And to further prove that the world is a tiny place, her traveling companion is Sara, a woman I'd met a few years before when she interviewed me for the KBOO bike program when I passed through Portland!

The ladies are cool, their bikes are cool and they are cool with the idea of my running home to grab my camera so I can snap a few pictures of them for the blog. "You'll be blog-famous," I tell them. "It's not like being real famous but folks like you, going out and doing things, are what inspire folks to go out and do things."

I know I live in a great place. There are mountains, rivers, creeks, hot springs, trails and adventure right out my back door. And you find adventurers everywhere. Sometimes you run into them at the corner market!

Keep 'em rolling,



  1. Awesome bikes and you are both inspiring!

  2. "...folks like you, going out and doing things, are what inspire folks to go out and do things."

    Repeated for emphasis.

    I have you, Kent, to thank for the inspiration to tour from TX to NorCA in few weeks. I'll be northbound on the GDMBR through much of Colorado. I hope our paths cross.

  3. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Kent, Out Your Backdoor or O.Y.B. is the website of Jeff Potter of Okemos, MI. Take a look.

  4. Anonymous,

    Jeff Potter and I go way back. You can find some of my stories in the old print versions of OYB!


  5. "The ladies are cool, their bikes are cool and they are cool with the idea of my running home to grab my camera" ....Sounds like the Sara I know. Nicely done ladies!

  6. Are those headset wrenches doubling as rack struts? Awesome. Colin Chapman would approve!
