Tuesday, February 24, 2009

2009 Bike Works Auction

The youth enrolled in our Earn-a-Bike program end each graduation ceremony by collectively envisioning Bikeopolis, a near future place where bicycling is safe and widespread, and people are healthy, active and good with Allen wrenches. This year, Bikeopolis is the theme for the Bike Works annual fundraiser where we celebrate our successes as well as give you the opportunity to support Bike Works' future through bidding on fabulous donated items and scrumptious desserts.

As shop manager, I volunteered to host a table and I said I'd use my blogtacular powers to talk some of my pals into joining me. Here is where I find out if my set of friends and the set of people with money have any overlap at all!

Here are the details:

What: Bike Works Benefit Auction 2009

When: Sunday March 29th, 2009 – 5 pm until 8:30 pm

Where: Herban Feast, SoDo http://www.herbanfeast.com/

How Much: Tickets - $70, Purchase Tickets @ http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/50320

I've been assured the food will be good and I know the auction supports a great group of folks. There will be all kinds of bikish things to bid on and I'm donating a full custom set of coroplast fenders & bags that some lucky person will win.

Thanks and keep 'em rolling,


1 comment:

  1. Just some incredible information and a very worthy website. Thanks
