Friday, April 18, 2008

Old Wheels Rolling In New Ways

Starting Monday I'm going to be the Shop Manager at Bike Works down in Columbia City. I don't claim to be psychic, but this is what I wrote back on December 1st on my blog:

If I wasn't so darn well suited for my job at the Bicycle Alliance of Washington, it's a pretty safe bet that I'd be working at Bike Works. Dara and her crew not only do terrific work, they consistently demonstrate just how much fun it can be to change people's lives through bicycles. Every time I volunteer at Bike Works or work with them on a project, I'm reminded that the velorution is happening right now. Whether it's teaching kids to fix stuff or getting people rolling on rigs that cost less than what most folks spend on a monthly car payment, the lessons are the same: this is what's possible, this is what's practical and this is how you do it.

Well folks, that velorution is still rolling on and my place in it is now at:

Bike Works
3709 S. Ferdinand
Seattle, WA 98118
206 - 725 - 9408

Stop on by if you're in the neighborhood. By the way, next Friday and Saturday we'll be loading another container with bikes for the Village Bicycle Project. Details are here:

Keep 'em rolling,



  1. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Congrats on the new gig, Kent. Bikeworks built my bike, and I'm even more likely to keep coming back with you at the helm.

  2. That is awesome. If I had sold my house in time I might have applied for that position. Sounds like a great job - all the best.

  3. Hey Kent - congrats on the new gig. I have a ton of admiration for Bikeworks.

