Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Two Motivational Videos

I really like both of these short videos because they both stress the same basic message, ordinary people can make a difference. The first video, produced by the CTC, does feature a very attractive young model on a bike but I think the real power of the message comes from all the ordinary and not so ordinary people who join her. The guy in the suit on the folding bike, the speedy old lady and the fun jumping BMX bloke all add to the "we can do this" feeling. My favorite has to be the snaggle-toothed fellow on the recumbent with the peace sign on his army helmet. I totally relate to that dopey grin of his.

The second video is maybe even better than the CTC video. It wasn't even made to sell bicycling, Miller made it to sell beer. This is a such a beautiful image.

Those of us who love cycling have all the motivation we need. We know life is better outside the box. Videos like these two do a great job of getting that message out to a wider audience.


  1. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Two of my favorites, for sure - they always get me all choked up and emotional. I'm just a romantic, I guess. Val

  2. Anonymous9:44 AM

    The CTC video is the hippest thing I've seen this week! Thanks so much for sharing it!

  3. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Just so you know . . .

    That Miller High Life ad was created by Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker Errol Morris. Pure genius.

  4. I live in the midwest and we need help with bicycle commuting. Can you help!!!

  5. Sadly, the Miller video resonates with the stereotype in my area that the only transportational bicyclists are drunks who have lost their driver's license.

  6. The Errol Morris web site has a number of wonderful clips, including his short video for the Academy Award Ceremony in 2002, the Miller Beer commercials, and his documentary, Fog of War, about Robert McNamara and the Viet Nam war.

  7. cool

    love the comment by peteathome; but it's an anachronism; drunks don't loose their licenses often or for long; i guess the legal system considers being condemned to riding a bicycle to be cruel and unusual punishment

    joe sixpack, or joe twosixpack in this case, on an old bike, with beer in a basket is a great image; shows americans as problem solvers - adapters - independent - free;

    i'd like to see a lot more "screw opec" images like these

    i just ordered 2 rear baskets for the "mule" bike i am building from on old mtb; i can't wait to re-enact this commercial; miller h/l tinkling all the way home; i'll drink h/l in the summer but not so much in the cooler months; so i'll be wearing shorts and a tropical shirt and flip-flops; the beer will be inside my thermal grocery bags which will muffle the tinkling a bit

  8. Sometimes I have all the motivation I need. Sometimes (too often) my head talks me out of cycling, so set a goal for this year -- a floor of 52 rides this year.

    Wimpy, but a start.

    Thanks for the blog inspiration (did you know the first one was removed by user? )
