Thursday, September 06, 2007

Issaquah Alps 100K Pre-Ride

As Rodney Dangerfield would say, "It's not easy being me." It's tough, tough, I tell ya, to not go into the office on a sunny Wednesday but this weekend I'm hosting the Issaquah Alps 100K Populaire for the Seattle International Randonneurs and I had to do the final pre-ride of the course to make sure the cue sheet is right and figure out all the check-points. Mat Newlin, Narayan Krishnamoorthy and Shan Perera made the big sacrifice of joining me on the course. Somehow we persevered through relentlessly comfortable temperatures, picturesque tree-lined roads, character-building climbs, thrilling descents and an absurdly relaxing coffee shop stop.


  1. You're a strong man. That bambi was coming right for you! I once made a coffee stop on a ride and had a bear claw. They warmed it up for me, but there was one corner that was still sort of room temp. But since I was having such a nice time I let it slide.


  2. Anonymous11:30 PM

    These are great pictures, but you didn't take any of the skeletons of bikers who spontaneously combusted on the third ascent of Cougar Mountain and whose charred remains were devoured by cougars and hungry randonneurs.

  3. Hey Kent, Congrats on finally breaking out the camera in time to catch the dear cutting you off. I was just checking out bicycle paper yesterday and noticed a "Kent Peterson time trial" as part of the tandem stage race. Of course I thought because they had named the race after you that meant that you had been struck by a car and were dead or something and had a memorial race named after you. Anywho, I'm glad to hear you are doing well, except it seems like you are reviewing quite a few products for someone who hates technology. Also, it looks to me that the bicycle you are currently riding has more than one gear. Isn't that heresy? Drop me a line sometime, I'd love to hear what you think the best way to bike commute to Seattle from Woodinville would be.

    Matt Sheeks
