Saturday, August 11, 2007

Helmet Mirror

Several people have asked me about my helmet mirror. It's a "Take A Look" brand mirror. I like to ride with a cap under my helmet so to get the mirror out where I need it, I rigged an extension from an old fender stay and some zip-ties. I've ridden bikes without mirrors and bikes with handlebar mounted mirrors, but once I got used to the helmet mirror, I've found it to be my favorite. With a helmet mirror, I can keep an eye on what's going on behind me with a quick glance and by moving my head I can sweep my field of vision to compensate for blind spots. Even with a mirror, it's often good to look back at traffic behind you, the act of turning your head signals to drivers that you know they are back there.


  1. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Hmmm, I'm not a helmet fan (see for arguments against them), but at least yours provides a base for lots of useful attachments.

  2. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Any tips on getting used to a helmet (or sunglass) mirror? How long did it take you to get used to it. I've tried them multiple times and just can't get used to them. I run bar mounted mirrors on all my bikes. Works OK, but they seem to take up valuable bar space and get in the way when transporting the bikes. plus there always getting knocked out of alignment. thx superfreak

  3. Anonymous1:21 PM

    The website with arguments against using helmets sounds a bit like the research on body armor for soldiers in Vietnam, which says that body armor was unsuccessful because more soldiers were being wounded than before use. But the body armor kept them from getting dead! Although I admire the questioning of research techniques.

  4. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I've been using a Blackburn Helmet Mirror for 3 weeks now. It took a little getting used to, but when sighted properly is an excellent device. The problem is, sighting it, and more importantly keeping it sighted. There's an internal allen screw that you can tighten that is supposed to lock the arm and prevent it from shifting, but it doesn't work. While it's a minor annoyance, it would be nice to find something that permanently locks that I don't have to keep adjusting every couple of days. If anyone has a solution please post it. Peace, John in Davis.

  5. I use a Zefal mirror since last week and am getting used to it.
    It takes some thinking to interpret correctly what I see, but it works great.
    I too don't like helmets, but I like to keep my head in one piece ...

  6. the best way to get use to a mirror is to slowly use it.i took about a week of riding daily but i might even be easier when you ride with friends be cause you can watch them instead but dont hurry yourself but once you feel comfortable you can move through traffic with ease
