Monday, October 02, 2006

The Big Lebowski Brevet

This past weekend was the first Oregon Randonneurs 600K Big Lebowski Brevet. Four of us van pooled down from Seattle for the ride. Peter Beeson made me swear that the SIR newsletter will get first publication rights to my story of the event so this isn't the ride story, this is just a tiny comment on the ride.

Half the Seattle crew (Eric Vigoren and myself) were on bikes with those Disraeli gears and the other half (Bob Brudvik and Peter Beeson) were on single speed Bianchi San Joses. The San Jose riders continue to say wonderful things about their steeds although Peter has adopted a new monosyllabic mantra that rhymes with "truck." He chants this while weaving up some of the steeper climbs.

The Big Lebowski is the prettiest, most fun and hardest 600K I've ever ridden. Huge kudos to the Kramer and Ms. France for an epic course and wonderful support. Scheduling a meteor shower for Saturday night was really going above and beyond the call of duty.

A map of the route is here:

Ride info is here:

The Big Lebowski Results, September 30 -October 1

Peter Beeson 39:04
Jon Beilby 37:25
Ken Bonner 33:32
Robert Brudvik 39:04
Albert Kong 37:09
Greg Olson 35:00
Scott Peterson DNF
Kent Peterson 37:52
Eric Vigoren 39:04
Paul Whitney DNF


  1. Anonymous9:54 PM

    You should have read the fine print on the release form you signed when you picked up your Brevet card. You signed over worldwide, perpetual rights in all media to Oregon Randonneurs. As your lawyer, I have a fudiciary responsibility to advise you to provide the finished manuscript to ORR without delay for distribution on its site.

    As for Mssr. Beeson, as you know, he already has outstanding warrants in Oregon for speeding and reckless riding. Not exactly the sort of character you would want to take advice from ... unless it is how to dodge the law.


  2. looks like an awsome ride... mabe next year?

    In awe of your riding kent!

  3. Well, I'm in awe of two things:
    a) that there's a ride named after one of my favourite movies - thank god there's someone out there taking it easy for all us sinners...
    b) that the ride was 600km! Holy jumpin! Well done guys!!
