Just a spot to dump various bicycle related thoughts
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Bob Shaver's Patent History Blog
Bob Shaver is an attorney with a really interesting blog that contains images that Bob has scanned and cleaned up from a bunch of old bicycle patent drawings. It's fascinating to see just how long ago people were making things like suspension systems. You can see the blog here:
If I remember my history right, the first real good suspension was based on 100 yr-old patents. It was turner, I think the patent that everyone else licensed.
drawing by the multi-talented Russ Roca. Send any Bike Questions to Kentsbike (at) Gmail (dot) com.
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It's also fascinating to think of how long ago people should have STOPPED making suspension systems on 99% of all bikes.
Just kidding. Sort of.
If I remember my history right, the first real good suspension was based on 100 yr-old patents. It was turner, I think the patent that everyone else licensed.
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