Wednesday, May 31, 2006

More Coverage in the Times

Christine and the kids and I have gotten a lot of nice reactions since the article about us ran in last Sunday's paper. I've had fellow bike commuters comment on it and there have been many nice comments here on the blog. Old friends have found us via the article. Strangers have started introducing themselves and saying that what we do is "impressive." I guess we've made an impression on folks. One good bit of parenting advice I got years ago was that "kids don't listen to what you say, but they sure as hell pay attention to what you do." I think that is true for adults as well.

Seattle Times columnist Nicole Brodeur was one of the people I've talked to since the original article came out and she published this in today's paper:

I always say that I'm not a role model but in our lives we all are role models to someone, in some way. It's really easier for Christine and I to live when we're not being profiled in the paper. Christine is looking forward to having her fifteen minutes of fame be over but she says to me, "You're stuck. You're an internet celebrity. You have a blog."

Maybe I'm stuck, but I'm stuck doing something I love. And maybe, just maybe, more people will get out of their SUVs. Maybe they'll walk to the store. Maybe they'll bike to work. And maybe we'll get to a place where folks will say "Yeah, so that guys bikes everywhere? That's no big deal. Hell, that's normal."


  1. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Dear Kent,

    I hope you don’t mind if I link the newspaper stories in my blog. I think they are well done and deserve to be read. And, of course, what you guys do deserves to be known.

  2. Hi Alberto,

    Go ahead and link, that's what the web is for.


  3. Amen, Kent. See you out on and SIR brevet one of these days again.
