Saturday, December 24, 2005

The Way of the Mountain Turtle

This past summer I raced the length of the Great Divide from Canada to Mexico on a single speed mountain bike. A short form of that story appeared this fall in Dirt Rag and I was originally thinking the big story would be a book. Well the big story is done and rather than make it a paper book, I've decided to tell the whole story on the web. You can read the whole thing and see pictures here:


  1. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I was just yesterday wondering when we could expect to see the book. Thanks for the online publishing!

  2. It is like a Christmas gift just for us. Thanks Kent, this is great!

  3. I can't wait to look at it! Thanks for sharing.,

  4. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Just finished a good hour with your great story and photos. Thanks for writing and posting that, Kent!

  5. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I was waiting for the book. And it was a nice surprise to see your blog and read that you made your book avail to everyone. Thank you.
    - Joe

  6. Thanks So much for putting your book up for free That is so rad,

    Thanks Again, Dave Nice

  7. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Great epic story. I got to your story with a link from Eldon N. Thanks to both of you. I always get so inspired reading these wonderful adventures.
